Held*innenwerkstatt | Lisa Vasvari
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What is the hero workshop?  


The Heroes' Workshop (HW) is a (so far) Berlin-based project that assumes that there are heroes in all of us, big and small, and that each of us should have "superpowers" for everyday life. The project started in August 2012 in a day care center and primary school at Kottbusser Tor and has continued to develop ever since.  

The main focus of our work is on the "superpowers" (mainly in the fine, writing and gross motor skills) that every child needs for school in order to go through the school years with a sense of achievement and joy. We do not forget the teachers, educators and parents, who also benefit from "superpowers" when it comes to accompanying, supporting and encouraging the children in their different living environments.  


We conduct our training for schoolchildren in elementary schools and work closely with the teachers and educators and try to get in touch with the parents.

Kommende Fortbildungen:

September 2024: 


"We believe that a child who is given the opportunity to develop well in their environment is the start of the Everyday school life is made easier and thus his educational opportunities are increased"

Hintergrund von „Wurmstift“ entfernt_edited.png
our range  


We offer "superpower training" for children in the school entry phase in the areas of fine and writing motor skills as well as gross motor skills. There are different training options: The prevention project "Strong muscles, alert mind", the movement heroes and the writing workshop. We work in small groups and ideally in pairs. Our approach is low-threshold and playful with the aim of promoting the children's motor skills and sensitizing parents and professionals to the topic. It is important to us that the children have fun participating and that they don't get the feeling of "not being able to do something". The children gain new experiences in the training courses and thus strengthen their skills.  


The movement heroes area combines exercises to promote body awareness,  of balance, coordination and cooperation in the group.  We work here with movement construction sites and elements from the parkour sport. The aim is to create new incentives to exercise and to strengthen confidence in one's own body. We focus on the children's individual abilities and encourage them to find their own (movement) solutions.

In the writing workshop, the children work together on 8 tricks with Pen Pencil, the superhero pen, which help them to improve their fine motor skills and writing skills.  

For further  The offer also includes subject-related workshops for teachers and pedagogues, creative courses, activities for adults and children such as hand lettering courses for children from the 5th grade. 

"Training  is  not  that  Fill up  of barrels but

the kindling of flames" 

our mission

With our super training, we want to offer the children the opportunity to develop and try out things with a lot of fun and without pressure. The aim of our work is not to create a therapeutic environment and to be a substitute for prescribed occupational therapy treatment. Our work begins in the preventive area, with the overarching goal of improving the children's educational opportunities by promoting motor skills.

"The hero workshop supports the process of learning writing motor and gross motor skills and thus the social participation of the child and its ability to communicate with the environment."

who we are

The team at the heroes' workshop currently consists of a colorful mix of people from the fields of occupational therapy, sports pedagogy and upbringing and education in childhood.  


In 2012 I initiated the project, at that time still under the name "der ergokiosk swarms out" in Berlin. Together with my former co-founder of the ergokiosk and a project manager, we applied to a call for tenders from the district management center in Kreuzberg and were awarded a 2.5-year European grant. The project was carried out at the Jens-Nydahl elementary school and a day-care center near Kottbusser Tor. Since then we have been a permanent cooperation partner of this elementary school and have also implemented other projects in Berlin, such as with the district mothers in Kreuzberg.  


I 'm Lisa Vasvari, a qualified occupational therapist with a master's degree in public policy. Outside of the heroes' workshop, I still work as a lecturer in further education, give creative courses with a focus on hand lettering and work as an illustrator. In short: I am a creative entrepreneur whose heart beats for the education of children.

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